HD中字 香腸老爸


阿諾克·弗圖尼爾 約翰·海爾登貝格 薩凡納·萬登德里希 希爾德·德·巴爾德瑪 劇情片 比利時 / 德國 2021 查看劇情
When Paul decides to give up his boring but steady office job as a banker, this does not go down well with his children. Their dad wants to pursue his dream and become an actor. His youngest daughter Zoë is the only one who believes in her father. She encourages him and joins him in his adventure. 佐伊與她的父親是最好的朋友。當爸爸決定放棄銀行家的工作轉而成為一名演員時,家中引發了軒然大波。只有佐伊相信並堅持爸爸的夢想。盡管他的角色僅限於穿著荒謬的香腸服走來走去,她仍然相信他能成為一名偉大的演員。 ...更多詳情

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