HD中字 暴動


John Lyde 馬修·瑞斯 杜夫·龍格爾 丹妮爾·查克蘭 動作片 美國 2015 查看劇情
Copper Jack Stone purposefully orchestrates a bank robbery in order to be thrown into prison with the notorious Russian kingpin Balam. Balam is more than just a mob criminal; he"s a very cunning and dangerous lord who controls the police force from behind bars. Balam lives in prison as a cover for his real power, which is King of the city. His cell is a lavish private room built specifically for him, inaccessible to most in the depths of the prison structure. Even the warden fears venturing into his area of the prison. ... ...更多詳情

暴動 / Riot 相關推薦