Following the events that unfolded in Kill ‘Em All (2017), the sequel will see Phillip (Van Damme) and Suzanne retired from the spy game, living peacefully off the grid. That’s until their whereabout are discovered by Vlad the vengeful brother of their target from the first film.
詳情尚格·雲頓 奧圖姆·瑞瑟
尚格·雲頓 阿爾班·伊萬諾夫
尚格·雲頓 勞爾·胡里亞
尚格·雲頓 娜塔莎·亨斯屈奇
尚格·雲頓 羅傑·摩爾
尚格·雲頓 斯維娃·阿維蒂