Based on the original series created by Dick Wolf for Universal Television, Law & Order Toronto: Criminal Intent will showcase original Canadian stories written and produced by, and starring, Canadians. A psychological thriller wrapped in a criminal investigation, Law & Order Toronto: Criminal Intent follows an elite squad of detectives who investigate high-profile crime and corruption in metro Toronto.
詳情溪林 忻子約
阿旦 糖醋里脊
齋賀光希 綠川光
大塚剛央 市之瀨加那
佐藤拓也 大西亞玖璃
劇情 家庭 犯罪
劇情 驚悚 歷史
劇情 動作 懸疑
劇情 驚悚 犯罪
劇情 驚悚 同性