When a troubled ten-year-old, Ryan, escapes his mother and her boyfriend, Jason, by playing in the industrial wasteland near his home, he finds an injured man of Middle Eastern origin, a Syrian immigrant, hiding out from the police. Ryan convinces himself he’s found his estranged father. With Ryan secretly helping to supply him with food and medicine, the two develop a close bond, but danger lurks from the racist Jason and his mates, who manage to locate the man’s hiding place. When Ryan discovers this, he is desperate to try and help, with potentially dire consequences. 源自:https://poff.ee/en/film/no-way-home/
詳情溪林 忻子約
阿旦 糖醋里脊
齋賀光希 綠川光
大塚剛央 市之瀨加那
佐藤拓也 大西亞玖璃