在線播放 清白的復仇


泰迪·索里亞阿特瑪賈 勞拉·巴蘇基 尤佳·普拉塔馬 海達爾·薩利什 劇情片 印度尼西亞 2023 查看劇情
Adam, an architect, has lived a traumatic life for two years. He is traumatized by seeing his wife and child being killed in front of his eyes. Because he can't feel comfortable at work, he visits Amanda, a psychiatrist, at the suggestion of his friend. In the healing process, he can take revenge on one of his family's killers. Then proceed with looking for the next killer. He is also romantically involved with his psychiatrist, who turns out to be the sister of a third assassin he has yet to kill. ... ...更多詳情

清白的復仇 / Innocent Vengeance 相關推薦