惡水 / Wielka woda線上看

惡水 線上看

Wielka woda / High Water

  • 阿格涅斯卡·祖盧夫斯卡 托馬斯·舒查特 伊雷紐什·喬普 瑪塔·涅拉柯薇姿 米羅斯瓦夫·克羅皮爾尼基
  • Jan Holoubek Bartłomiej Ignaciuk
  • 電視劇



  • 2022-10-05
  • In 1997, scientists and local government officials face life-and-death decisions when a destructive flood wave threatens the city. The local authorities, led by the aspiring clerk Jakub Marczak, bring in Jaśmina Tremer, a female hydrologist with a troubled past, to help save the city at any cost. At the same time, Andrzej Rębacz returns to his hometown Kęty near Wrocław, unexpectedly leading the rebellious residents. High Water is a suspenseful, six-episode disaster drama series inspired by the real-life events of the Millennium Flood which hit Poland, as well as parts of Czech Republic and Germany in 1997. Directed by Jan Holoubek and Bartłomiej Ignaciuk, starring Agnieszka Żulewska, Tomasz Schuchardt, Ireneusz Czop, Marta Nieradkiewicz, Mirosław Kropielnicki, Anna Dymna and Tomasz Kot.


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