類別: 劇情片
發行地區: 印度
發行年份: 2022
劇情介紹: A woman gets an opportunity to save the life of a 12-year old boy who witnessed a death during a thunderstorm which happened 25 years ago, by getting connected through the television set during a similar storm in the present
塔絲·潘努 維金蘭特·馬西
塔絲·潘努 塔希爾·拉吉·巴辛
塔絲·潘努 維克蘭特·梅西
劇情 懸疑 驚悚
劇情 喜劇 動作
劇情 懸疑 戰爭
劇情 愛情 驚悚