羊崽 / Dýrið線上看

羊崽 線上看

Dýrið / 羊惧 / 羊婴传说 / Lamb

  • 勞米·拉佩斯 比約恩·西魯·哈瑞森 英格瓦·埃蓋特·西古德松 赫米爾·希尼·古納森 Ester Bibi
  • 瓦爾迪馬爾·約翰松
  • 驚悚片

    冰島 / 瑞典 / 波蘭


  • 2022-10-01
  • “Lamb” is the story of a childless couple, María (Rapace) and Ingvar, who are sheep farmers in Iceland. On Christmas Eve they find a newborn who is half human, half sheep. Longing for a child of their own they decide to keep the lamb-child and raise it as their own regardless of the consequences.


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