類別: 電視劇
發行地區: 泰國
發行年份: 2019
劇情介紹: Je is a girl that has luck all the time, while Not has bad luck. One night these two, came across each other and their luck reverse. Je was unhappy about this settlement, so she's planning to get her luck back.
皮拉瓦·山坡提拉 巴拉奇亞·魯洛
皮拉瓦·山坡提拉 帕塔丹·詹金
皮拉瓦·山坡提拉 鐘朋·阿盧迪吉朋
蘇卡達·顧瓏希 茱蒂蒙·瓊查容蘇因
蘇卡達·顧瓏希 琵姆普萊帕·唐普萊坡恩
劇情 愛情 懸疑